Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Last before I leave in which we meet a celebrity

We have to get in the car and head to the airport in about an hour and a half. Way way too soon. Sarah and I spent the morning sorting baby clothes and putting them away. There is still on hamper full down in the living room and of course, Mr. Giraffe is doing his part of holding clothes for changing down here.

when I get home I will still blog but there will be far far fewer cute pictures unless you like my dog.

Here I am asleep with Mommy this morning. Just about 9:00 a.m.

Three generations with the Yarn Harlot!! Stephanie Pearl-McPhee!! Three of my four outings so far have involved yarn. the shop, the yarn party and to see the Yarn Harlot! One was with Daddy to buy a new printer at Best Buy.

The legend is that if you have a master knitter put a needle in the baby's hand, the baby will grow up to be a master knitter too. Stephanie did the honors for us last night. In the LEFT hand! Sigh.

And this is who I listened to the lecture. Also what I did at the yarn store and the yarn party and even when we went to buy the printer! Hum, is there something about shopping or yarn??that puts a baby to sleep??
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  1. Well, all of that yarn and knitting talk can be pretty sleep inducing :-)

  2. Hand-eye coordination is somewhat essential in knitting... so without the ability to even hold up her head, I'm going to bet that knitting is a bit boring.

  3. I think Aunt Jenna would agree that being a lefty is perfectly acceptable.

  4. And according to Stephanie she WAS wearing her TALL shoes :-)
