Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Almost time to go home

Ok, words first. It's been a long two days. Sunday Sarah felt fine. but by yesterday afternoon she was running a temp of 102.5! She got hold of her doctor and was told she could take Motrin to bring down the fever and to come into the office this morning. She has mastitis. She also has an antibiotic. Hopefully she will be feeling a lot better soon. But it looks like Jay and I will be staying over one extra day. We won't leave for home until Thurs. morning, and Judy, Dan's mom, will get her on Thurs. afternoon. Hopefully by the time she leaves a lot of things will have settled down. Missy is still not the happiest of nursers. She really like the bottle when she gets it which she did for two feedings last night since Sarah was in no condition to do any nursing with her. So, we are still looking at long nights, Grandma did the 11 to 2 shift and then got a whole two and a half hours and had her from 4 to 7. but Dan didn't even get home from work until 2 a.m. so he really needed to go to bed by 4!

A few pictures of the last two days.

Here we see Albie going, "Baby, what Baby?? There's SQUIRRELS out that window!!"

They had forgotten that they had this wonderful singing SpongBob Square Pants thermometer when they took Raleys temp the other day. So they had used thier's on her. That left mom with Spong Bob last night.

As you can see, Grandpa is a very good bed. Right curve, great temp and long enough to stretch out on!

And it would appear that modesty is not going to be her long suite!! Just let it all hang out kid!
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  1. Okay, yet another change of plans. Now Dad is going home tomorrow and Mom is staying until the 8th and Judy is coming out "later" (the 8th plus or minus a day - we're not sure yet).

    Fluid situation to say the least.

  2. Oh goodness. I hope Sarah gets to feeling better and everything settles down again.

  3. I love the picture of the baby sleeping on Dad!! How adorable... so Mom is flying home now?

  4. How's about selecting some of your pictures (and some of Sarah's too) to send to Wal-mart that I can pick up? Then I could bring them to work and show them around a couple of days and then we would have them.

  5. And since you're still there we get a few more days of baby pictures! Hooray!!
