Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just words again

Well, I am sitting out in the garage looking out the door at no one coming up the drive way. But it's been pretty steady this morning and I have made a LITTLE money but more important from our point of view, THINGS have LEFT the HOUSE!! LOL But boy there is still a LOT of stuff in this garage. Half price books is going to see me again I'm sure! Albie is doing pretty well with the sale thing. I have the house door to the garage open and a baby gate up. He can come see me when the wants and he gets into the back yard every once in a while so he's good!
Me, I'm getting some knitting done, some thinking done with notes on said thinking and now I'm on the puter checking email. Ah, the joys of tecnology. to sit in your garage, type out your thoughts, hit the post key and know that any one anywhere in the world who has a computer and wants to can read what I've written!! Kind of amazing isn't it??
And the new yard people where here today. Yesterday the lawn (just out front, we aren't taking chances with Albie's back yard) was fed and weed kill put down. Then today they came out and aereated it and over seeded. Now I WANT it to rain tonight so I don't have to start watering the front yard already.
We have windows open all over the house. It's warm in Indiana. But it feels good today. Just enough breeze to keep things nice.
And now it's on to lunch. the flow of people has stopped as they all go eat so it's my turn too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Just because it's been a few days.

No pictures today.
And I really don't have much to say. The only four people who read this have been talking to me on the phone so not much to say. Maybe more by the middle of the week!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Last before I leave in which we meet a celebrity

We have to get in the car and head to the airport in about an hour and a half. Way way too soon. Sarah and I spent the morning sorting baby clothes and putting them away. There is still on hamper full down in the living room and of course, Mr. Giraffe is doing his part of holding clothes for changing down here.

when I get home I will still blog but there will be far far fewer cute pictures unless you like my dog.

Here I am asleep with Mommy this morning. Just about 9:00 a.m.

Three generations with the Yarn Harlot!! Stephanie Pearl-McPhee!! Three of my four outings so far have involved yarn. the shop, the yarn party and to see the Yarn Harlot! One was with Daddy to buy a new printer at Best Buy.

The legend is that if you have a master knitter put a needle in the baby's hand, the baby will grow up to be a master knitter too. Stephanie did the honors for us last night. In the LEFT hand! Sigh.

And this is who I listened to the lecture. Also what I did at the yarn store and the yarn party and even when we went to buy the printer! Hum, is there something about shopping or yarn??that puts a baby to sleep??
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Monday, April 7, 2008

Things I have learned in four weeks as a Grandma

#1. Baby take time. Lots and lots of time.
#2. Housework does not get done unless it involves feeding baby or mommy and daddy!
#3. If you want to drink a cup of coffee without having to reheat it, get up 30 minutes before the baby. Of course since the baby can get up anywhere from 6 to 9 a.m. Good luck.
#4. Formula is easier now. You just scoop and shake. that's the easy part, it disolves so much better then it did 30 years ago.
#5. Baby takes time.
#6. You can NOT have too many gowns for a baby. Daddy likes them because they are a lot easier to change diapers. I seem to remember that same thought 30 years ago!
#7. You can't get enough of just holding her.
#8. You will hear screaming durning the night since she still is NOT into this breast feeding thing. Actually, you'll hear it durning the day too.
#9. A Grandma's best friend is the five ingredient cook book for the crock pot! Great stuff and easy!
#10. I now know how to drive the Prius since someone had to go to the grocery after Daddy went back to work and act as driver for Mommy and baby going to the Dr. and the Lactation consultant!
#11. I don't want to go home. I'm going to miss the next 8 weeks and that's about 8 weeks too many.

Here we see comfort! If you like to sleep that way, why not?

Close up of sleeping baby. It's this picture that finally told me that I see a bit of my older brother Millard in her face. and hair and temper!

Hey, look mom, I can hold up my head. sorta.

When she sleeps, she sleeps.
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She's getting big

Here we see the modern mother. Baby and computer! Taken about 20 minutes ago. (it's 2:30 on Monday.)

I hate this!! why do they do this to babies???????

All stretched out! Once she gets the diaper on she's kind of a happy camper for a few momenths.

Ok, just what is this life business all about?? seems like a lot of work to me!
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Friday, April 4, 2008

Early april

Well, it's been an interesting day. Still not sure if Little Missy is ever going to get into a day schedule but we do seem to have nights setteling down. Right now, she's out like a light on her mommy!

Here is a baby and her grandparents. We took this before Jay left Wens. morning.

Anyone see a family resemblance??

You learn to multitask! Reading works well when being a bed.

Ok, the car seat isn't so bad if you have a full tummy and have just woke up!
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Almost time to go home

Ok, words first. It's been a long two days. Sunday Sarah felt fine. but by yesterday afternoon she was running a temp of 102.5! She got hold of her doctor and was told she could take Motrin to bring down the fever and to come into the office this morning. She has mastitis. She also has an antibiotic. Hopefully she will be feeling a lot better soon. But it looks like Jay and I will be staying over one extra day. We won't leave for home until Thurs. morning, and Judy, Dan's mom, will get her on Thurs. afternoon. Hopefully by the time she leaves a lot of things will have settled down. Missy is still not the happiest of nursers. She really like the bottle when she gets it which she did for two feedings last night since Sarah was in no condition to do any nursing with her. So, we are still looking at long nights, Grandma did the 11 to 2 shift and then got a whole two and a half hours and had her from 4 to 7. but Dan didn't even get home from work until 2 a.m. so he really needed to go to bed by 4!

A few pictures of the last two days.

Here we see Albie going, "Baby, what Baby?? There's SQUIRRELS out that window!!"

They had forgotten that they had this wonderful singing SpongBob Square Pants thermometer when they took Raleys temp the other day. So they had used thier's on her. That left mom with Spong Bob last night.

As you can see, Grandpa is a very good bed. Right curve, great temp and long enough to stretch out on!

And it would appear that modesty is not going to be her long suite!! Just let it all hang out kid!
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