Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ok, How I'm feeling

I have been sick and coughing since the 20th of Dec. The visit to the dr. in Colorado only helped for a few days and then I was bad again. I finally broke down yesterday and called my dr. here. I'm not sure yet how I feel about it since he didn't come to see me, just called in a prescription based on the symtoms I described. This isn't the first time he has done that and it is beginning to get to me. However, I also have to admit that that saves me the money for a visit and I am kind of glad about that! I'm taking the antibiotic and admit after just one day of the puppy I'm feeling a little better. Of course as I write this I am starting to cough!
But I'll take it and see how I feel. And then I think if I have to stay here much longer I am going to be looking for a new dr. Ideally, a woman. I've never really liked dealing with his nurse anyway.
So for now, I have hopes of finally being better soon.


  1. I hope you feel better mama!

  2. Yes by all means get a different doc. Do you have what we call Doc in the Boxes... Like: Care Now? I saw the pics of the highway wreck in Indy. Scary. Where is Crane located? Thinking about you all.

  3. I hope you feel better soon too!! Maybe this warm-up will help!!!
